“4.0?!” you say. Yup. Did you know we’ve been around since 2011? In the back of my mind I know that’s when we started, but when I’m forced to write it down as I am now… whoosh!… it comes rushing to the front in a fury of nostalgia.

It was about a year before the Oculus Rift Kickstarter when Road to VR sprung to life. VR wasn’t even on the radar in the consumer space. In the commercial sector there were pockets of use for the technology, but nothing your average technology user would ever bother with, given the sliver of proprietary software available—not to mention the prohibitive cost.

So why on Earth did 2011 seem like a good time to start writing about a technology that had been considered dead in the consumer space for at least a decade? Well, here’s what I wagered in the first article ever published on Road to VR:

The time feels right now to start tracking the journey to virtual reality as a number of important technologies are being developed and starting to hit the main stream. These technologies, that are being deployed or are in development, are all stepping stones toward virtual reality. Eventually I see these technologies coalescing into what will be known as virtual reality. A few of these technologies are as follows: motion gaming (Wii/Wii Plus, Xbox Kinect, Playstation Move, etc.), voice control (Apple’s Siri, Android Voice Actions, etc.), and AR gaming (augmented reality) which is found on sensor-rich devices like smartphones and tablets.

We’ve got the technology to make pseudo virtual reality today, and you can actually find examples of it all over the place; it just hasn’t hit the mainstream yet.

It should be apparent from the list I made above, but the first place that we’re likely to see mainstream interactive virtual reality is in video games, and something that we haven’t quite seen yet… interactive movies. These are obvious places because the experience that the creators of games or movies are attempting to convey will see vastly increased immersiveness and richness of the medium if they are able to connect to the audience at a level that is far beyond what we see today.

That, and I was completely fascinated by the possibilities of VR. I like to say: should humans ever devise a system capable of perfectly replicating the way we perceive reality, you could rewrite the laws of physics. I get that ‘tiny person, huge universe’ feeling when I think about that.

And what was why I started Road to VR, to map where we were between no virtual reality, and a perfect simulation of reality, and to find out how long it would take to reach that destination. We still have a long way to go, but the progress that’s been made in the last few years is nothing short of incredible.

In 2012, Oculus took to Kickstarter and reignited the virtual reality industry.

I sometimes hear people lamenting that Oculus and others are taking “too long” to get a consumer headset out the door. But as someone who has been carefully watching this space since 2011, I’m blown away by how fast things are happening. We’ve seen huge players jump into the arena, some of the biggest companies in the world. The money being spent on development in this space has grown tremendously. Developers have devised hundreds, if not thousands of virtual reality applications, some demos, and some full experiences. And there’s still so much more to come.

We’ve felt the growth here at Road to VR. From 2013 to 2014, we grew 233%. Two months into 2015 and we’re on track for an even greater leap, right along with the exploding industry, no doubt.

And that’s one reason why it was time for an overhaul. There’s so much important news happening that it could barely be contained by our previous site.

We want readers of Road to VR to walk away with the latest picture of the VR industry. Version 4.0 is designed to let you access more content, faster, and give us the room we need to get you all the latest.

So poke around, let us know what you think. I’m sure you’ll run into some bugs here and there, we’d really appreciate if you’d report them to info@roadtovr.com.

As has become tradition, here’s a little trip down Road to VR memory lane:

I’d like to take this time to thank our readers for their support, comments, tips, and gracious sharing of the content that we work hard to bring you. I’d also like to thank the Road to VR team and everyone who has helped us along the way. This new design would not have been possible without hard work and long nights from Road to VR’s Editor and all around tech-wizard, Paul James. Also a big thanks to our contributors, Scott Hayden, “Reverend” Kyle Riesenbeck, Matt Terndrup, Jonathan Tustain, with help from Brian Hart and our guest contributor, Kevin Williams. And a blanket thank you to all of the amazingly smart people driving this incredible technology and industry.

Stay tuned, next week is going to be crazy.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Patrick Hogenboom

    Congrats \o/
    For the new design, but more importantly for becoming the go-to place for VR related news on the web.
    Keep up the good work !

  • Paul James

    Thanks Patrick. It’s great to finally see our content as up front as we’ve wanted for a while now. Just in time for what promises to be a crazy GDC!

  • David Mulder

    Wow, I can still remember the original site, what a difference! xD And what a long way you guys have come. Keep up the good work!

  • Good foresight :D I was in the mental state that VR was forever dead, the Kickstarter hit me in the face like a brick wall moving at 200kph. Yep. Now it’s been my main interest for more than two years… not sure if that is good or bad, haha :) And uh… enjoy the calm, with relaxed posts like this, before the onslaught of news that will be GDC. Please survive.

  • Curtrock

    Excellent. New format looks much less WordPress. I guess next week’s avalanche of info will put the new site through its paces. Looking fwd to it. R2VR is the best source for VR news. Quite an accomplishment. Kudos.

    • Ben Lang

      Thanks Curtock, we’re thinking the same thing about GDC. Glad you have been along for the ride!

    • David Mulder

      Hmm, just one last thought: Would be nice to make the basic login form inside the website rather than the standard WordPress login form, makes it look that last bit more proffesional.

      • Paul James

        Absolutely David – it’s one on our lists, for those occasions where the login widget is bypassed. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Jacob Pederson

    I miss the recent comments box on the front page, but other than that looks great!

  • Kennyancat

    Keep up the good work. I read every single word posted on this site!

  • Don Gateley

    Your email notifications seem to have stopped. At least for me.

    • Paul James

      Hi Don – sorry about this. We’re looking into it in between pumping out MWC / GDC content. So far the issue has eluded us. We are on with it though.

      • Don Gateley

        Seems fixed. Notification of the Gameface article was the first thing in my inbox when I got online this morning. Thanks.

        • Paul James

          Hi Don – can you confirm you’ve received notifications for all posts today? Email notifications seem to be behaving erratically.

          Any info much appreciated.


  • Curtrock

    Not sure if it’s because of the deluge of GDC info, but it’s a little hard to keep trac of the “Top Stories”. I’m used to being able to scroll thru articles in order. Sometimes I see a link to a R2VR story on FB, but there is no link on the actual R2VR homepage. No biggie, just maybe something to address after GDC. Thx.

    • Alkapwn

      I’ll second that. It’s a bit tricky finding out which article is the newest with all the different categories now.

      Something I just noticed as well on Google Chrome, Windows 7 is that the left and right arrow keys don’t seem to move the cursor inside the comment window. Up and down seem to be fine. Not sure if this is just me or not.

    • Don Gateley

      I too would like to see a time ordered list of all articles to replace “Top Stories.”

    • Paul James

      Actually – all stories are ordered from newest to oldest. The Top grid flows from left to right (newest to oldest) and ‘Top Stories’ (which I admit may not be the best naming convention here), is merely a continuation of that stream.

      News bits are date ordered (newest at the top to oldest) and sit in their own stream, as they’re small snippets of info (perhaps it’s these you may have missed?). The ‘features’ stream is just that – articles we’ve considered to be more substantial and long in form and deserve a ‘longer life’ on the home page.

      Having said all of that, we hear you and will see if we can make some clearer signposts to the news flow. Lets see what we can do once we clear this crazy GDC week.

      Thanks for the feedback everyone – it’s much appreciated.

      • David Mulder

        Seriously, even after reading this comment I don’t get it and like some others I am missing out on some articles just because I can’t keep track. Either way, I would really really appreciate somewhere just a boring old fashioned list of articles (ala tweakers.net (I know it’s Dutch, but should be clear enough what I mean none the less)).

    • Paul James

      Hi all,

      To try to ease your layout woes until we can tweak the design post GDC, I’ve spun up a page which simplifies the view. Hopefully this will tide you all over until we can come up with a more permanent solution. In the mean time, thanks for your support and for your constructive feedback – it’s


  • Don Gateley

    Not sure I’ve received “all” today’s story notifications but I’ve received a bunch. All seems well again.

  • HoriZon

    Looking very good guys :)

  • Sean Concannon OculusOptician

    Where do we change our profile pic and email notification options?

  • Sean Concannon OculusOptician

    Nevermind, just received the subscription email.