In Conclusion

gameface-labs-mark-5It is great to see so many people getting to have their first VR experience in the socially engaging environment of an event or meetup. It is however important that we ensure that we make their first experience a pleasant one. Without thinking about it, anyone that undertakes to demonstrate a VR experience is entering the “experience business” and is like the operator of their own mini-theme park attraction!

Don’t get carried away by the analogy of operating a theme park ride and especially do not look to monetize the experience! As stated in the product disclaimer on all the VR headsets currently available, these are “Not for Commercial Usage” and while the manufacturers will not go mad at the system being used as a demonstration device within reason, there are serious legal issues about directly charging for the use, not to mention all the issues with copyright on the content being shown.

So be ‘professional’, be ‘prepared’ and ‘have fun.’

NoteAs so many people are now experiencing the highs and lows of demonstrating VR to the emerging VR community, there must be a number of observations and comments that should be added to this list. Please contact me if I missed something out, or if you have additional advice on the best way to present this technology.

About the Author – Kevin Williams has an extensive background in the development and sales of the latest amusement and attraction applications and technologies.  The UK born specialist in the pay-to-play scene; is well-known through his consultancy KWP; and as a prolific writer and presenter (along with his own news service The Stinger Report), covering the emergence of the new entertainment market.Kevin has co-authored a book covering the sector called ‘The Out-of-Home Interactive Entertainment Frontier’ (published by Gower).  And is the founding chairman of DNA Association, focuses on the digital Out-of Home interactive entertainment sector.  Kevin can be reached at –  –

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