Hands-on: ‘Wilson’s Heart’ Combat, Puzzle Mechanics, and April Release Date Revealed

Watch 30 minutes of new gameplay


Later I got into some real combat, which involved grabbing my “heart” out of my chest and throwing it at a wave of enemies that continuously ran toward me. As I threw it, I could use my hand to steer it around as if I was using the force to control its path through the air. This let me hit multiple enemies in one toss before the heart returned to my hand, which was the key to keeping them at bay.

Later I would find some hand-to-hand combat against a gas mask-wearing zombie who would very obviously and slowly telegraph his initial attack which I could block by raising my hands and then counter with a flurry of punches before he stepped too far away and readied his next attack. One cool thing about this is that apparently the harder you swing the more damage you do (the developers also told me the combat would get more complex as the game progresses). After a few bouts of this he went further away and slowly lobbed grenades at me which I could catch and throw back. After hitting him with several grenades, he came back in close for more punishment to his face via my fists, then back to more grenade hot-potato. Eventually one of the grenades blew him near me and the game clearly indicated that I should pull the pin on the sling of grenades on his back. This finished him off once and for all.

With enemies dispatched, I teleported forth to another puzzle segment. I entered a room with padded walls (the kind you’d find yourself in if you were wearing a straight-jacket) and as I approached the door to exit the other side, it literally slid along the walls, around the room and eventually ended up on the ceiling (such visions are likely meant imply lots of hallucinating on behalf of your character).

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From here a rather unintuitive puzzle ensued which involved changing gravity in the room to allow me to smash two electrical boxes on either wall, and then (for some reason) I was eventually allowed to heave a generator from the ceiling off of its mounts which crashed through the locked door. Why did the electrical boxes needed smashing if I was just going to rip the generator off it its hinges? I still don’t quite know.

It probably would have taken me quite some time to realize what I had to do at the moment, except once again I had a helpful voice in my ear from someone standing nearby (in the real world) who told me what to do.

These hints came with concerning regularity throughout my playtime; without them it feels like I would have been left not only being restricted from what seemed intuitive and obvious, but unsure of what specific thing the game wanted me to do in order to move things forward.

wilson's-heart-2The sense of agency in VR is really important for immersion. If the world doesn’t behave as you expect, it can really kill the sense that you’re there. There were several times where I wanted to grab some object in the game that looked obviously interactive which ended up not being interactive at all—like when I was able to turn on a sink faucet but not grab the bar of soap sitting next to it—and times where I foresaw what the game wanted me to do, but I had to wait for a specific object to become interactive before I could activate it.

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Third time’s the charm.

There were also moments where I tired to apply what I had learned earlier from the game (for instance, throwing my heart as a weapon to defeat enemies), which ended up being the wrong choice which lead to my death. I found these moments frustrating, leaving me with the feeling of interacting inside a series of scripts instead of inside a convincing world.

The game so far has not quite pulled me into it. I’m holding out hope that the story and characters I will eventually meet will provide a little immersive glue to the experience—and that starting the game from the beginning will reveal a clearer sense of how I can obey it’s restrictive protocols of interaction—but the slow combat, immersion-damaging locomotion, weak attempts at horror, and lack of agency & intuitivity left the 30 minutes I’ve played so far feeling as dull as the game’s black and white color scheme.


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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Doctor Bambi

    That’s… disheartening to hear.

    I’ll just see myself out.

  • J.C.

    Ah damn. Twisted Pixel used to be big time Indie darlings. Basically everything they released for the 360 is a must-play. It’s a shame to hear Wilson’s Heart is so inconsistent. I’m hoping the story is good enough to shrug off the obvious issues the game has.

    Oh well. I won’t be playing it for months, if ever, anyway. I refuse to run ReVive.

    • burzum

      Yea, same here. No freedom of choice. :( Not for the locomotion method, nor for the store. I don’t want to teleport and I don’t buy in the walled garden. I really don’t understand why developers just don’t add multiple locomotion methods. It’s not like rocket science and many tiny indi titles managed to do so.

  • OgreTactics

    Well teleportation gameplay is a big no for me anyway.

  • Sam Illingworth

    Is it names after the episode of House?

  • wheeler

    Sounds like yet another potentially great game ruined by sim sickness anxiety.

    • Buddydudeguy

      by what? I read valid critisism about game mechanics, not “sim sickness”.

  • Buddydudeguy

    “For the front-facing folks (likely the majority)” You really think so? Personally I can’t fathom spending hundreds on a VR set up, only to be happy with front facing. Who the F does that?

    • xxTheGoDxx

      Right?! Seems really strange that somebody would spend either 800 or 600 Dollar and then be to cheap to pay an extra 10% to get the ability to turn around (!) in games as well as access to all the Steam VR titles.

      Its a bit like buying an high end PC only to then use it on an old 15″ monitor with no plans to ever update the display.

    • benz145

      Anything beyond front-facing is still “experimental” as far as Oculus is concerned. The company still publically demos with all front-facing setups. There’s a lot of people out there who don’t even know the Rift can do 360.

      • Buddydudeguy

        Well, peoples stupidity amazes me every day so I guess you’re right.