Image courtesy Sony Studio Liverpool

‘WipEout Omega Collection’ Free in August for PS Plus Members, Includes Full PSVR Support

Buckle up and put on your PSVR headsets, because PlayStation Plus members will be getting WipEout Omega Collection for free in August.

The game combines WipEout 2048, WipEout HD and the ‘HD Fury’ expansion, and is fully playable on PSVR. You can select any game mode, be it ‘Racebox’ or ‘Campaign’, and play the full game in VR from start to finish.

Typically retailing for $20, the intense racing game includes dozens of ships to unlock over the course of 26 tracks. As a multiplayer game, you’ll be able to race against eight players—with both online and offline capabilities.

And if you’re worried about comfort, you really shouldn’t be. When we first went hands-on with the Omega Collection in March of last year, it was clear the developers took their time to offer a number of VR-specific adjustments to keep players comfortable even while racing at breakneck speeds, taking jumps, and doing barrel rolls.

If you want to know more, and see a race in action, check out our hands-on article to find out why WipEout Omega Collection shouldn’t be missed.

Both WipEout Omega Collection and the non-VR title Sniper Elite 4 will be available to download at the PlayStation Store from August 6th until September 2nd.

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