If you’re looking for some fun on Quest this Summer, there’s a lot happening. In this roundup we’ve got a look at new Quest game launches, upcoming titles, and big updates.

XR News Bits

An incredible amount of exciting XR news comes our way every day. Very often we see news come across our desk that’s worth highlighting, but we don’t always have the bandwidth for a full article on every one of them. XR News Bits is our occasional roundup of stories we think are worth a shout-out, even if we can’t take you in-depth.

Launch: Gravity League – A Sparc-inspired 1v1 VR Sport

Originally released in 2017, Sparc was a VR cult classic, but unfortunately didn’t live long enough to make it to the Quest era where it would have shone.

Luckily Gravity League is here with similarly inspired gameplay that plays like a cross between 3D Pong and some futuristic sport.

Gravity League is now available on Quest and is free-to-play, and the studio has plans to bring it to PC VR in the future.

In a world where gravity is no longer a limitation, the Gravity League has become the ultimate test of skill and endurance for athletes from all corners of the galaxy.

The rules are simple: 2 players, 1 ball, zero gravity – the first player to 11 goals wins.

  • Compete online with opponents from across the galaxy
  • Play with your friends and compete in custom private matches
  • Explore all our wacky party modes
  • Make your way to the top in the epic Solo Campaign mode
  • Customize your gear with gloves in all shapes and sizes
  • Mix and match gloves to find the best playstyle for you
  • Unlock unique new athletes, balls, gloves, and stadiums
  • Team up with your friends for a 2v2 action

So strap on your Gravity Gloves and get ready to take on the competition!

Launch: Zero Caliber 2 – Campaign Shooter Action with 4-player Co-op and 10-player Multiplayer

Looking to sink your teeth into a new VR shooter? Zero Caliber 2 is the next big shooter from XREAL Games. We love to see that its purported eight hours worth of campaign can be played with up to four players total in co-op. A perfect way to ‘git gud’ with your squad before diving into competitive multiplayer.

Zero Caliber 2 is now available on Quest for $30 and also planned for launch on PC VR at a later date.

Zero Caliber 2 is THE ultimate VR shooter package:

8+ hour single player campaign fully playable in Co-op (up to 4 players)

  • Classic multiplayer game modes with up to 10 players
  • Native mod support with modding tools – visit our Discord for more info (discord.gg/xrealgames)
  • More than 60 unlockable weapons, skins, and attachments
  • Gripping story full of cinematic action = immersion you haven’t experienced in a VR shooter yet!
The Story

In a world where water is scarce, a ruthless dictator, Barak, and his fanatic followers threaten the fragile peace of the OSA. Their brutal invasion aims to control the vital WELL water supplies, putting millions at risk.

As a skilled operative, your task is to navigate a war-torn landscape and undertake high-stakes missions to reclaim the stolen WELL supplies. Fight through cities and remote villages, face ruthless enemies, and uncover a web of betrayal and chaos. The fate of the OSA is in your hands – fight to end Barak’s reign of terror and secure humanity’s future!

News: Township Tale Developer Shares Updates on New Game, ‘Project 2’

We first reported on the unnamed ‘Project 2’, the next title from Alta Studio, back in April. Alta Studio is the developer of Township Tale, a very unique social VR game that’s available on Quest and PC VR.

The studio has been sharing occasional developer updates showing a transparent look at the creation of ‘Project 2’, a multiplayer dungeon crawler extraction game.

The latest updates, #11 and #12, show progress on enemy behaviors, sounds, and visuals. They also look at the current gameplay loop which involves players finding markers on the map which steadily point them toward a boss. Once the boss is slain it will drop a key which players can take to a certain location to open a portal and extract with their loot.

The updates also show the game will feature a branching skill tree which allows players to specialize into different classes with different skills. All players start as a ‘recruit’ but will become more diverse over time as they choose a direction in the skill tree.

Discount: Dungeons of Eternity is 50% Off on Quest

While we’re on the topic of dungeon crawlers, co-op dungeon crawler Dungeons of Eternity is celebrating the approach of its one-year release anniversary with a massive 50% discount on Quest until August 25th.

Dungeons of Eternity launched last October and has had a great reception from users, holding down a 4.7 out of 5 score across 3,100 reviews—making it one of Quest’s best-rated games. The game has seen several updates since launch, adding new weapons, environments, and more. It supports co-op play for up to three players.

Upcoming Update: Underdogs ‘Sandboxxer’ Update

VR mech brawler Underdogs is getting a big update on August 29th. The ‘Sandboxxer’ update will add sandbox tools so players can set up their own challenging battles. There will also be leaderboards to fight over, challenges to conquer, and a practice gym to experiment and train.

Underdogs launched in early 2024 and employs a unique locomotion and combat system that puts players in direct control of a mech with fun smash-and-crash gameplay. The game is exceptionally well rated by players on both available platforms, Quest and Steam.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • polysix

    Man… Quest games depress me no end. Been in VR on PC since 2014 with rift DK2, currently on PSVR2+PC and PS5 and it's awesome, best for me of all 8 HMDs. I've had quest 2 and quest pro and rarely bothered with standalone (just PCVR but LCD sucks).

    When I see the mobile chipset GFX they try to pass off as 'VR' I hate it, it's dragging us back years all so META can get rich by dominating a market when it barely even cares about "VR" now and more MR/AR and social. I didn't get into VR to end up playing stuff with GFX I wouldn't even have bothered with 10 years ago. VR alone isn't enough to make any old crappy gfx compelling, I want BETTER GFX in VR than flat not far , far worse.

    • ViRGiN

      So like did you actually develop something, anything for vr since 2014 or all you did was to consume it and call yourself an enthusiast?
      why you focus on Meta so much? Company that stole your newborn? You should be on hunger strike under valve headquarters, demanding gayben to invest even $10k into vr game development. But nah, you could never do that.

      • kakek

        Point out that one user focus on Meta to much like he has a personal grudge.
        Immediately bring up Valve, in a news and a comment where nobody had brought them up.

        • ViRGiN

          I think it’s fully relevant to bring the biggest gaming monopoly in the world that launched worlds first 6dof vr with controllers when talking about vr.

          • kakek

            In every single subject related to VR ? Also, they're not the biggest Monopoly. They have an extremely dominant position in one key aspect of PC gaming.
            but they're far from being the biggest actor.
            Why don't you bring up Sony as often ? They have a quasi Monopoly on consoles ( comparable to valve's position on digital distribution ) and released 2 headsets and a bunch of titles.
            why do you not being them up as often ?

        • ViRGiN

          I can't help myself, but I do have a corncob up my rear so that might explain it. And ADHD when it comes to Valve, who I know must read every word.

  • polysix

    PSVR2 is much better (esp with PS5), had q2 and pro, never going back to standalone, never going back to LCD and never going back to battery on the head rubbish. GT7 alone is better than anything on Quest, then you have RE4 remake and village.. and lots more on the way. Quest looks like crap on standalone and LCD has awful black levels that pull you out of the immersion. OLED/HDR/HEAD and trigger haptics and wider FOV are much better and they're ALL on PSVR2 with PS5 (and you can also use it on your PC now with the adapter).

    • kool

      I do want a psvr2, but I finally decided to go with the quest scheme I worked up to have a more social experience. If psvr2 could play more of my og or firewall turned out good I might bite. But out of all the compromises considered I'll try a quest2 and 3 with PC games and a few co op quest games for the holodeck for now.

      • Arno van Wingerde

        I would definitely wait for the Quest 3S, which is essentially a Quest2 but with Quest3 CPU etc. so you can play the newer games as well.

        • ViRGiN

          He's been using VR for years, the true next gen upgrade is the pancake lenses, and if 3S doesn't have them, it's not really a relevant upgrade for old VR farts.

          • kool

            I haven't played VR in years but your meta Messiah is manning the gateway to virtual heaven. I'll have to see how the pancake stacks up against the fresnel lenses. If the old ones don't bother me I'll bite.

          • Sonyboy

            The Virgin is correct pancakes are game changer I use "standalone" Quest 3 far more than psvr2.

          • ViRGiN

            Old ones don’t bother you cause you never experienced anything better. It’s next gen upgrade of vr main component. It’s also a fov upgrade

          • kool

            Sure, we’ll see champ!

          • Arno van Wingerde

            I was initially disappointed by the Quest3 maybe after all the hype surrounding the launch. But I certainly leanrt to appreciate pancake lenses: on Quest3 I watch movies, something I never could stand on the Quest2.

          • kakek

            Relevant yes.
            Indispensable, maybe not. Right now, what we need is better GFX.

    • ViRGiN

      Psvr2 is much better, but it doesn't even compare to psvr3. Oh and don't get me started on upcoming valve deckard! It will destroy psvr2 completly so don't waste your money on Sony!

    • Sonyboy

      Quest 3 pancakes blow psvr2 Fresnel and non gaming apps alone puts psvr2 in the closet. Thing is the Quest 3 shouldn't come close to psvr2 as far as gaming…but its library is better psvr2 has better graphics but that's really a few games its cool to play RE and Horizon was a tease at what could be but really kinda sucked…GT7 is great but some don't care about racing games. psvr2 was a nice upgrade to Quest 2 but Quest 3 beats it in too many areas except gwaphics for few games. Sony dropped the ball hard.

    • MasterElwood

      Dude. Look at the THROUGH THE LENS videos. The resolution is worse than QUEST 2!

  • ApocalypseShadow

    Hey road, How come this is the only site not reporting that GTA was put on hold indefinitely and verified by IGN? You're supposed to be first in VR news. Not last. Even though we barely have any VR sites. I mean, there's mixed VR news. But they have biased reporting from certain individuals and will block your challenging them on their articles. And we all know about upload VR. Controlled messaging and paying just to comment.

    But it seems Facebook lied about GTA and lead gamers on. And that needs reporting. So… Get that verified, factual news first. It's why I come here. You seem fairly legit. Just need to stop posting old articles as new that has comments that are months or years old.

  • kakek

    "Valve is basically a file hosting provider with infinite money glitch."

    I agree with basically file hosting provider. Yeah, true, they haven't done much more than that for a decade.
    But their "infinite money glitch" amount to more or less 5% of meta's infinite money glitch ( wich is their monopoly on social media. ) Not saying they are not very well off, but let's not compare apples and oranges. You make it sound like valve could have financed PCVR like Meta did for mobile VR. But they never had the same pocket. Not even close.

    "They also own the IP that would legitimize VR in the eyes of millions of gamers."

    My dude, they used the Half life IP for the first time is decades. Can't do much more than that to engage their image and legitimacy. Half life is the license they used to launch steam, it's the license that established them as major players to begin with.

    • ViRGiN

      If valve with their zero-expenses business model of file hosting isn’t able to”make” pcvr, then pcvr is doomed. Pico pulled off an entire platform from a thin air, and tiktok isn’t going to be around forever, unlike steam, which gets even more impossible to compete with every single year cause people had their account and purchases there for years.

      Meta doesn’t have infinite money glitch. Facebook isn’t growing forever. They employ massive amount of people, valve only about 350. It’s really a zero expenses infinite money glitch business.

  • Arno van Wingerde

    For sure: Quest 3S is supposed to be around $300, the whole point is to have hardware that can play the same games as Quest3 at the same quality, but is cheaper because of fresnel lenses and slightly lower resolution (like the Quest2).