Ever wanted to step into Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) and experience the game’s iconic world in VR? Well, this fan-built creation offers up a good slice of the action by transporting VR players into a lovingly recreated version of the game’s Great Plateau area.

The world is now available in VRChat, created by user ‘ColonelMcKernel’. There’s little to go on description-wise; its creator only says the publicly accessible world is meant for up to four concurrent users due to performance issues.

The video intro really sells it though. And just as we hoped, it’s decidedly way more than just a static version of The Great Plateau, the game’s starting area which is secluded from the rest of Hyrule by unpassable gorges․

Of course, tantalizing just out of reach is the Dueling Peaks, Hyrule Castle, and the imposing Death Mountain—all of it begging to be experienced in VR. Still, the attention to detail in the fan-built recreation is truly amazing, justifying a full exploration to see everything it has to offer.

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Thanks to VRChat’s ability to host complex user-generated VR content, the world lets you descend into shrines using your trust Sheikah Slate, ascend the area’s main tower, and climb everything, just like in the real game. The whole feel of the world, including shaders and animations, are really on point here too, making you feel like you’ve truly stepped into Hyrule.

Whether you’re accessing the VRChat-based world through a traditional monitor or through a SteamVR-compatible headset, you can also toggle from the default first-person mode to third-person. Since it’s so large and complex, it unfortunately isn’t available natively on the Quest platform.

To access ColonelMcKernel’s fan recreation, you can either search in-game for ‘The Legend Of Zelda˸ Breath Of The Wild – Great Plateau’ or simply click this handy link to launch the world directly.

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If you have a Nintendo Labo VR Kit, you can actually play the full game in VR, albeit locked in to a third-person view.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.